
they/them | artist | queer | disabled

icon by polarpace

howdy! i'm shadow. i'm an artist but i'm also a writer and have my own fan projects and an original project i've been working on! my ocs mean the world to me! :Di love cartoons and video games, they've inspired me so much throughout my life and i love discovering new media! i'm critical of all of my interests!! spyro and digimon got me into drawing!my art is very fluid and i have a few different styles i draw in! i'm also a decent style mimic. my art is never intended to be sexual, so please don't make sexual comments on or about my art!!my disabilities make it hard to draw as well as communicate. please be patient and don't assume i have bad intentions. i'm sorry if i misread, get confused or struggle with wording! i'm trying my best.

do not interact!!

i will block people who make me uncomfortable in any way, but especially those who go against these boundaries.please note that this goes both ways, i will block you and i ask for both of our happiness and well being that you block me.

-glorify horrible things in fiction/"fiction doesn't affect reality"
-consume media without criticizing it
-think in black and white/lack nuance
-nsfw/fetish/lewd/kink account (even "sfw" ones, no kink is sfw)
-fatphobe/fat fetishist/feedism/stuffing/fatfur/belly kink
-thinspo/proana/encourage eating disorders
-trump supporter/anti-vax/prolife/right wing/conservative/republican
-nft/crypto or support ai "art"
-ableist including towards psychotic or cluster b disorders
-use your religion to justify bigotry/"hate the sin love the sinner"
-religious extremist